Metropot Club
Metropot Club
Pubs & Bars | Restaurant

Metropot Club in Kota Kinabalu offers a variety of activities for guests to enjoy, including delicious food and drinks, comfortable accommodations, and exciting entertainment options. The club's location is conveniently situated near popular attractions, making it an ideal destination for both locals and tourists. The staff is friendly and helpful, providing exceptional customer service throughout the guest's stay. The club's atmosphere is lively and welcoming, creating a fun and memorable experience for all visitors. Whether you're looking for a place to relax and unwind or seeking adventure and excitement, Metropot Club has something for everyone.
Metropot Club in Kota Kinabalu offers a variety of activities for guests to enjoy, including delicious food and drinks, comfortable accommodations, and exciting entertainment options. The club's location is conveniently situated near popular attractions, making it an ideal destination for both locals and tourists. The staff is friendly and helpful, providing exceptional customer service throughout the guest's stay. The club's atmosphere is lively and welcoming, creating a fun and memorable experience for all visitors. Whether you're looking for a place to relax and unwind or seeking adventure and excitement, Metropot Club has something for everyone.
Reviews & Ratings
Visited Metropot with my ex-classmates for a reunion and tried their deep-fried yam prawn. It was beautifully presented, shaped like a crab claw. The outer layer of deep-fried yam was crispy and flavourful, adding a satisfying crunch to every bite. However, I noticed it wasn’t deveined, which felt a bit yucky.
I used my fork to remove the dark vein from the prawn before eating, just for peace of mind. After checking online, I learned that the “vein” is actually the prawn’s digestive tract, which may contain sand, grit, or undigested food. It’s perfectly safe to eat and won’t make people sick, especially when the prawn is properly cooked. (Anyway, I prefer removing it when I cook at home for a more appetizing look.)
I also ordered a glass of calamansi with sour plum drink. It came in a tall, clear glass, showcasing its vibrant yellow hue with two sour plums resting at the bottom. The drink was truly refreshing—perfect for cooling down.
Overall, it was a delicious and satisfying dish.

自从绑牙后,没什么机会吃到外面的食物。我的page也很久没更新因为吃不到好料。太久没吃好料了,又忍不住买了一些打包回去慢慢吃。突然想念metropot 的食物!还好他离我公司不远,又有免费的parking。真的很方便!
1)grilled chicken chop
2)sweet sour fish

炒饭+nasi lemak配料
这个很好吃咧。尤其是他的sambal,辣但是会让你一口接着一口。鸡肉和上一道一样,只是没有千岛酱。没关系,因为有sambal 😆。配料有江鱼仔,花生和sambal茄子。还有一粒鸡蛋 🥚 全都好好吃。茄子很软很好吃。饭我觉得炒的也很不错。咸甜都很平衡。

我又来这里了!最近在网络看到他们为了即将来临的丰收节又推出了新的套餐。原住民的传统美食,有basung 鱼, 半粒咸蛋,羊角豆,jeruk bambangan 和 tuhau。
这个有惊艳到我咧,鱼炸的超酥脆!连鱼头和骨头都能吃。当然为了安全起见,我还是把大骨丢出来了。但是那些细细小小的骨头我都吃进肚里了。吃鱼最讨厌的是什么,细细的鱼骨!毕竟曾经不小心吞过鱼骨,好辛苦啊…… 这个,我好爱!不知道是不是每次都那么酥脆。
羊角豆口感上欠佳,有点老。辛亏有他们的sambal, 搭配起来一级棒!
Sambal :
他们的sambal 我真心觉得很厉害!很好吃也蛮辣的。不吃辣的朋友们,我劝你别吃。真的蛮辣。吃辣的朋友们,一定别错过他们的sambal!!!! 任何食物只要搭配这个sambal, 一定整盘吃光光!
Bambangan 可惜的是太老了,我咬不到。纤维太多,简直难以入口。但是味道也不错吃,有点偏酸。
喜欢原住民传统食物的朋友们,可以来试他们新推出的这个套餐哟!价钱是RM20+, 环境又有冷气,又有私人的parking位。服务也很不错。

Cherry tomato lamb with rice (set lunch/ dinner)
- 好吃😋 甜酸甜酸的味道加上羊肉,一碗饭很快就解决了。羊肉不会太韧,不至于咬不到,还是蛮软嫩的。只是可能比较建议内用吧,外带的话羊肉会有稍微的羊骚味因为放了一段时间。我还是可以接受的
Nasi lemak fusion
- 番薯椰浆饭好香好好吃哦!就是平时吃的椰浆饭,不同在于加上番薯的香甜。
- 叁巴江鱼仔和花生也太好吃了!还有叁巴鸡蛋!
- ayam masak merah 也太厉害了!酱料不会太辣,刚刚好。一整只鸡腿肉炸得酥脆,再搭配上甜辣的酱料。太好吃了!
- papadom 可能内用比较好吃因为外带它容易变软。但是不影响我整盘椰浆饭,毕竟只是一个小角色😜
- 吃完这一盘真的太罪恶了!好对不起自己的身体🥺 真的超级饱。
如果没有错他们的set lunch / dinner 和这个椰浆饭是暂时性的菜单,随时会停止售卖已经更换菜单咧…… 😩 趁还没换菜单,要吃就赶快去吧!不然到时候别留言问我为什么去到没有这个菜单 🥲