Weekday, noon time
Taste exactly the same as typical Sibu kampua - heavy Ajinomoto
Basically, all food heavy ajinomoto, and ya, this is the actual hometown taste for Sibuian😂.
The thin thin, artificial coloured, tasteless char siew, Bingo! Exactly the same as old Sibu
Of coz, in KK, the kampua has more meat & bawang, coz higher price here. But, RM 7 considered very cheap in KK dy.
The mee is tender, not too oily, not oversoaked, nice👍
Mee goreng sup lack wok hei
Sup hati & wantan : not bad
Extremely fast service, during weekdays
Quite hot
Limited parking space
Conclusion: Can try kampua here, be ready for heavy Ajinomoto. Heard that the fried items lagi Ajinomoto