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Nasi Mandi?!?! Not baddd!

Singing Aaron
Singing Aaron
2 years ago
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Was thinking where to eat for lunch and friend suggested this Nasi Mandi as we are craving some hot soup during this rainy and cold day. Heard that the shop is famous with their lambshank nasi mandi, but sis pokkai dont have much money so we just go for normal food🤣

This nasi mandi they have 2branches, one in penampang one in kingfisher. I visited the kingfisher’s outlet. It was a full house even when i went there already around 215pm. The dishes came up quickly after we ordered, around 10min?

Nasi mandi ayam (Rm13.9): the rice comes with some raisin in it and some cherry tomatoes, almost like normal white rice except it has some colors with it. The chicken is good, well marinated, although the waitress told us that it is honey chicken but i feel like more to satay chicken, but nice taste, it comes with a bowl of pickles and sambal belacan to eat with it..

Nasi ayam penyet bali(Rm11.9): okay la nthg to highlight, normal ayam penyet loh HAHAHAH but atleast its not vvv dry type. As some of the ayam penyet out there kan, the ayam reallyyyyyyyyyy dry and hard to chew, sometimes even my jaw tired eating. But this wuite ok, not too dry. But at the same time, not until vvv juicy la. Faham2 la kan🤣🤣

OHHH one thing to highlight about the nasi ayam penyet is their lada. Its quite spicy, can recer to last picture, middle plate.. pedas sampai telinga bergagar gitueeeee🤣🤣

Sup tulang (Rm12++??): sorry lupa the exact harga, but around that laaa.. ermmm average sup tulang la, tu tulang gt abit daging, not much, u need pandai2 go korek2 and bitee. The soup quite kaw, but not really my liking🤣🤣
Overall food was okay, but if you were to ask me will i go back again? Ermmmmm i would say….. maybe?🤣

Nasi Mandi Penampang
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