🏬 Goodbye, Dozo, and Hello, Dojo ☕️

This little Dojo, nestled along Gaya Street roadside, instantly caught my eye with its adorable exterior—it looks just like a DIY miniature house. Kawaii~
I stepped inside and greeted by their polite service crews. I ordered a medium-sized Cham with less ice and sweetness. The cup’s design pattern was beautiful.
Some customers stopped by just to grab their coffee and left. Luckily for me, I had the entire space to myself, giving me plenty of time to take pictures.
I’ve been there several times already and I absolutely love and enjoy the aroma of freshly baked Portuguese tarts paired with the rich scent of coffee inside.
Dojo’s coffee features smoky, and intense taste profile with a strong coffee aroma and flavour. Their coffee menu is simple, making it for daily enjoyment.
Last year, Dozo Cafe announced they had renamed to Dojo Cafe due to copyright issues. The menu remained the same, customers can still enjoy their favourites.

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